This run took 38 seconds.
$ date --- stdout --- Thu Nov 21 22:22:02 UTC 2024 --- end --- $ git clone file:///srv/git/mediawiki-extensions-ReplaceText.git repo --depth=1 -b REL1_43 --- stderr --- Cloning into 'repo'... --- stdout --- --- end --- $ git config libraryupgrader --- stdout --- --- end --- $ git config --- stdout --- --- end --- $ git submodule update --init --- stdout --- --- end --- $ grr init --- stdout --- Installed commit-msg hook. --- end --- $ git show-ref refs/heads/REL1_43 --- stdout --- 8a87f11dd39a25dc6d1d9c2e753cec94d5fef225 refs/heads/REL1_43 --- end --- $ /usr/bin/npm audit --json --- stdout --- { "auditReportVersion": 2, "vulnerabilities": { "cross-spawn": { "name": "cross-spawn", "severity": "high", "isDirect": false, "via": [ { "source": 1100563, "name": "cross-spawn", "dependency": "cross-spawn", "title": "Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) in cross-spawn", "url": "", "severity": "high", "cwe": [ "CWE-1333" ], "cvss": { "score": 7.5, "vectorString": "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H" }, "range": ">=7.0.0 <7.0.5" } ], "effects": [], "range": "7.0.0 - 7.0.4", "nodes": [ "node_modules/cross-spawn" ], "fixAvailable": true } }, "metadata": { "vulnerabilities": { "info": 0, "low": 0, "moderate": 0, "high": 1, "critical": 0, "total": 1 }, "dependencies": { "prod": 1, "dev": 428, "optional": 0, "peer": 1, "peerOptional": 0, "total": 428 } } } --- end --- $ /usr/bin/composer install --- stderr --- No composer.lock file present. Updating dependencies to latest instead of installing from lock file. See for more information. Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies Lock file operations: 38 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals - Locking composer/pcre (3.3.2) - Locking composer/semver (3.4.3) - Locking composer/spdx-licenses (1.5.8) - Locking composer/xdebug-handler (3.0.5) - Locking dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer (v1.0.0) - Locking doctrine/deprecations (1.1.3) - Locking felixfbecker/advanced-json-rpc (v3.2.1) - Locking mediawiki/mediawiki-codesniffer (v45.0.0) - Locking mediawiki/mediawiki-phan-config (0.14.0) - Locking mediawiki/minus-x (1.1.3) - Locking mediawiki/phan-taint-check-plugin (6.0.0) - Locking microsoft/tolerant-php-parser (v0.1.2) - Locking netresearch/jsonmapper (v4.5.0) - Locking phan/phan (5.4.3) - Locking php-parallel-lint/php-console-color (v1.0.1) - Locking php-parallel-lint/php-console-highlighter (v1.0.0) - Locking php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint (v1.4.0) - Locking phpcsstandards/phpcsextra (1.2.1) - Locking phpcsstandards/phpcsutils (1.0.12) - Locking phpdocumentor/reflection-common (2.2.0) - Locking phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock (5.6.0) - Locking phpdocumentor/type-resolver (1.10.0) - Locking phpstan/phpdoc-parser (2.0.0) - Locking psr/container (2.0.2) - Locking psr/log (3.0.2) - Locking sabre/event (5.1.7) - Locking squizlabs/php_codesniffer (3.10.3) - Locking symfony/console (v7.1.8) - Locking symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.5.0) - Locking symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.31.0) - Locking symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.31.0) - Locking symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.31.0) - Locking symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.31.0) - Locking symfony/polyfill-php80 (v1.31.0) - Locking symfony/service-contracts (v3.5.0) - Locking symfony/string (v7.1.8) - Locking tysonandre/var_representation_polyfill (0.1.3) - Locking webmozart/assert (1.11.0) Writing lock file Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev) Package operations: 38 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals 0 [>---------------------------] 0 [->--------------------------] - Installing squizlabs/php_codesniffer (3.10.3): Extracting archive - Installing dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer (v1.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing composer/pcre (3.3.2): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-php80 (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing phpcsstandards/phpcsutils (1.0.12): Extracting archive - Installing phpcsstandards/phpcsextra (1.2.1): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing composer/spdx-licenses (1.5.8): Extracting archive - Installing composer/semver (3.4.3): Extracting archive - Installing mediawiki/mediawiki-codesniffer (v45.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing tysonandre/var_representation_polyfill (0.1.3): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.31.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/string (v7.1.8): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.5.0): Extracting archive - Installing psr/container (2.0.2): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/service-contracts (v3.5.0): Extracting archive - Installing symfony/console (v7.1.8): Extracting archive - Installing sabre/event (5.1.7): Extracting archive - Installing netresearch/jsonmapper (v4.5.0): Extracting archive - Installing microsoft/tolerant-php-parser (v0.1.2): Extracting archive - Installing webmozart/assert (1.11.0): Extracting archive - Installing phpstan/phpdoc-parser (2.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing phpdocumentor/reflection-common (2.2.0): Extracting archive - Installing doctrine/deprecations (1.1.3): Extracting archive - Installing phpdocumentor/type-resolver (1.10.0): Extracting archive - Installing phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock (5.6.0): Extracting archive - Installing felixfbecker/advanced-json-rpc (v3.2.1): Extracting archive - Installing psr/log (3.0.2): Extracting archive - Installing composer/xdebug-handler (3.0.5): Extracting archive - Installing phan/phan (5.4.3): Extracting archive - Installing mediawiki/phan-taint-check-plugin (6.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing mediawiki/mediawiki-phan-config (0.14.0): Extracting archive - Installing mediawiki/minus-x (1.1.3): Extracting archive - Installing php-parallel-lint/php-console-color (v1.0.1): Extracting archive - Installing php-parallel-lint/php-console-highlighter (v1.0.0): Extracting archive - Installing php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint (v1.4.0): Extracting archive 0/36 [>---------------------------] 0% 19/36 [==============>-------------] 52% 35/36 [===========================>] 97% 36/36 [============================] 100% Generating autoload files 16 packages you are using are looking for funding. Use the `composer fund` command to find out more! --- stdout --- PHP CodeSniffer Config installed_paths set to ../../mediawiki/mediawiki-codesniffer,../../phpcsstandards/phpcsextra,../../phpcsstandards/phpcsutils --- end --- $ /usr/bin/npm audit --json --- stdout --- { "auditReportVersion": 2, "vulnerabilities": { "cross-spawn": { "name": "cross-spawn", "severity": "high", "isDirect": false, "via": [ { "source": 1100563, "name": "cross-spawn", "dependency": "cross-spawn", "title": "Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) in cross-spawn", "url": "", "severity": "high", "cwe": [ "CWE-1333" ], "cvss": { "score": 7.5, "vectorString": "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H" }, "range": ">=7.0.0 <7.0.5" } ], "effects": [], "range": "7.0.0 - 7.0.4", "nodes": [ "node_modules/cross-spawn" ], "fixAvailable": true } }, "metadata": { "vulnerabilities": { "info": 0, "low": 0, "moderate": 0, "high": 1, "critical": 0, "total": 1 }, "dependencies": { "prod": 1, "dev": 428, "optional": 0, "peer": 1, "peerOptional": 0, "total": 428 } } } --- end --- Attempting to npm audit fix $ /usr/bin/npm audit fix --dry-run --only=dev --json --- stderr --- npm WARN invalid config only="dev" set in command line options npm WARN invalid config Must be one of: null, prod, production --- stdout --- { "added": 428, "removed": 0, "changed": 0, "audited": 429, "funding": 90, "audit": { "auditReportVersion": 2, "vulnerabilities": { "cross-spawn": { "name": "cross-spawn", "severity": "high", "isDirect": false, "via": [ { "source": 1100563, "name": "cross-spawn", "dependency": "cross-spawn", "title": "Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) in cross-spawn", "url": "", "severity": "high", "cwe": [ "CWE-1333" ], "cvss": { "score": 7.5, "vectorString": "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H" }, "range": ">=7.0.0 <7.0.5" } ], "effects": [], "range": "7.0.0 - 7.0.4", "nodes": [ "" ], "fixAvailable": true } }, "metadata": { "vulnerabilities": { "info": 0, "low": 0, "moderate": 0, "high": 1, "critical": 0, "total": 1 }, "dependencies": { "prod": 1, "dev": 428, "optional": 0, "peer": 1, "peerOptional": 0, "total": 428 } } } } --- end --- {"added": 428, "removed": 0, "changed": 0, "audited": 429, "funding": 90, "audit": {"auditReportVersion": 2, "vulnerabilities": {"cross-spawn": {"name": "cross-spawn", "severity": "high", "isDirect": false, "via": [{"source": 1100563, "name": "cross-spawn", "dependency": "cross-spawn", "title": "Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) in cross-spawn", "url": "", "severity": "high", "cwe": ["CWE-1333"], "cvss": {"score": 7.5, "vectorString": "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H"}, "range": ">=7.0.0 <7.0.5"}], "effects": [], "range": "7.0.0 - 7.0.4", "nodes": [""], "fixAvailable": true}}, "metadata": {"vulnerabilities": {"info": 0, "low": 0, "moderate": 0, "high": 1, "critical": 0, "total": 1}, "dependencies": {"prod": 1, "dev": 428, "optional": 0, "peer": 1, "peerOptional": 0, "total": 428}}}} $ /usr/bin/npm audit fix --only=dev --- stderr --- npm WARN invalid config only="dev" set in command line options npm WARN invalid config Must be one of: null, prod, production --- stdout --- added 428 packages, and audited 429 packages in 5s 90 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details # npm audit report cross-spawn 7.0.0 - 7.0.4 Severity: high Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) in cross-spawn - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/cross-spawn 1 high severity vulnerability To address all issues, run: npm audit fix --- end --- Verifying that tests still pass $ /usr/bin/npm ci --- stdout --- added 428 packages, and audited 429 packages in 6s 90 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details 1 high severity vulnerability To address all issues, run: npm audit fix Run `npm audit` for details. --- end --- $ /usr/bin/npm test --- stdout --- > test > grunt test Running "eslint:all" (eslint) task /src/repo/resources/ext.ReplaceText.js 21:21 warning Avoid queries which search the entire DOM. Keep DOM nodes in memory where possible no-jquery/no-global-selector 23:3 warning Avoid queries which search the entire DOM. Keep DOM nodes in memory where possible no-jquery/no-global-selector 26:3 warning Avoid queries which search the entire DOM. Keep DOM nodes in memory where possible no-jquery/no-global-selector 29:3 warning Avoid queries which search the entire DOM. Keep DOM nodes in memory where possible no-jquery/no-global-selector ✖ 4 problems (0 errors, 4 warnings) Running "stylelint:all" (stylelint) task >> Linted 6 files without errors Running "banana:ReplaceText" (banana) task >> 1 message directory checked. Done. --- end --- {"1100563": {"source": 1100563, "name": "cross-spawn", "dependency": "cross-spawn", "title": "Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) in cross-spawn", "url": "", "severity": "high", "cwe": ["CWE-1333"], "cvss": {"score": 7.5, "vectorString": "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H"}, "range": ">=7.0.0 <7.0.5"}} $ package-lock-lint package-lock.json --- stdout --- Checking package-lock.json --- end --- [DNM] there are no updates $ git add . --- stdout --- --- end --- $ git commit -F /tmp/tmpdtebw0rg --- stdout --- On branch REL1_43 Your branch is up to date with 'origin/REL1_43'. nothing to commit, working tree clean --- end ---